Books about the same subject are assigned the same classification number to group them altogether on the shelves. You'll find the number both on the catalogue record and on the spine of each book. Don’t forget to make a note of the author, title and number of the book you are looking for!
Your reading list is a good place to start looking for books and other resources to support your studies. It can be found on the Moodle site for each module you take whilst at LSBU. The Library should have copies of everything listed, so you don't need to buy anything yourself! The reading list AUTOMATICALLY links through to the LSBU library catalogue so you can check to see if we have copies available straight away. You will not need to take photos of book covers and then search for them in the library if they are on your reading list. The reading list gives a live view of copies available on shelf.
We have lots of books across our campus libraries, so you will need to search our catalogue to find out where a particular title is located (or to help you find other interesting books on the same topic).
Remember to check:
Our books are arranged using a system called Dewey decimal, meaning each book is given a unique number and then filed in order from 000-999 on our shelves. Each shelf stack/shelving zone has a poster on the shelf end to let you know the number range for that shelf. So remember to write down the classmark and shelving zone for a book when you search the catalogue!
Our Discovery search catalogue covers a much wider range of materials often returning thousands of results including:
The Information Skills Librarians will teach you how to use the catalogues to find useful information for your assignments throughout your degree programme. You can also ask for help from library staff at the Help Desk who will be able to show you how to locate what you need.
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