On this page there are materials to help you with preparing for exams. Don't forget to check out our Online Exams page as well.
Videos:Watch a recording of our Skills for Learning workshop on Preparing for Exams (Online and On-Campus)
Preparing for Exams at UniversityPowerPoint slides for Preparing for Exams at University PlaylistClick to view the videos, or click the icon in the upper right to select from the list of videos.
Presentation:- Download Preparing for Exams Workshop Presentation - View slides
Activities:What do you know about keeping your motivation high for exam revision?
Try this interactive quiz to find out about ways to stay motivated for exam revision.
Revision techniques: Practise how to revise for different purposes. (A text-based version of this activity is below.)
Text-based version of the above activity
Exam timings How do you make the best use of your time when the exam has a time limit? (A text-based version of this activity is below.)
Text-based version of the above activity.
Download Files:How-To Guide on preparing for exams [pdf]This has lots of useful information about revision techniques and exam strategies, plus links. |
Useful links:
Brief summaries
Motivation |
You can ask us a question about academic skills by logging an enquiry through MyAccount. [See the FAQ: How can I contact teams or send enquiries using MyAccount?] We will send you a written reply helping you with your query. Alternatively you can email us at S4L@lsbu.ac.uk
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