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Journalism: Theses, Dissertations and Grey Literature

Conference proceedings

Finding Grey Literature in Subscription Databases

What is Grey Literature?

Add "conference proceedings" or "conference papers" to your search in these databases to bring back conference materials.

Subscription databases

Scopus contains over 5 million conference proceedings

Academic Search Complete has an extensive catalogue of conferences from around the world.

Covers technical, computer and management conference proceedings.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

Search across hundreds of universities across the world for dissertations and theses.

Search here 


The following resources provide information produced by the UK government and its agencies.

Once you click on the link search for the topic you are interested in eg. social media.

Free Databases

Research Open (LSBU)

LSBU's repository 

Here you can find:

  •  journal articles, book chapters and research by LSBU staff
  • theses and dissertations by LSBU students

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.  

Search here

The British Library (EthOS)

Search the British Library's database of over 500,000 doctoral theses. 

Search here