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Mini-module: Writing at Masters Level

3. Connecting to texts and putting forward your own understandingDecorative


Characteristics of Masters Level Writing
Masters' Level Characteristic Implications
Systematic understanding

- Clear indication of the (precise) area being explored/understood

- Ideas/understanding presented in a systematic way (logical links from one idea to the next)

- Terminology explained (to demonstrate your understanding)

Critical awareness

- Capacity to identify challenges (drawing on literature where appropriate)

- Models (of "good practice", for example) questioned.

- Assumptions (about what people do /think/believe, for example) eliminated

Critical evaluation of current research/scholarship

- Research selected relates clearly to (precise) area being explored (see above)

- Relevance of research to particular contexts questioned

Systematic approach to dealing with complex issues

- Logical organisation (perhaps with system described explicitly)

- System addresses all of the key elements

- Recognition of further questions for future work

Clear communication skills

- Express complex ideas using the simplest possible language

- Where specialist language is used, non-specialists need to understand it