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Lambeth College LRC - IT Support: Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft office 365

How to access Microsoft Office 365 onlineOffice 365 Apps

To access Office 365 online, please do the following steps:

  1. Click
  2.  Login using your College
    • Username: your college email 
    • Password: your college password
  3. Click on word iconWord excel iconExcel powerpoint iconPowerPoint icons and proceed to do your work.

How to download and install Microsoft Office 365

If you want to Download and Install Microsoft Office onto your personal device and work offline, please do the following steps:

  1. Click
  2. Login using your College
    • Username: your college email 
    • Password: your college password
  3. Click the link Install Apps which is located on the top right of the screen  install office apps
  4. Click Microsoft 365 Apps 
  5. If asked, click Save File on the Desktop or under Documents or Download folder
  6. When the Download finishes, open the saved file OfficeSetup.exe to run the installation
  7. Click Yes to start installing
  8. After installation, start Microsoft Office 365 Apps and Sign in to your account to activate and use Office 365

Note: You must use your college email to access Microsoft 365 online or Download and Install Microsoft Office 365 for free onto your own devices.

Microsoft Office 365 Training