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Lambeth College LRC - IT Support: IT Account Help & Tips

Login IT Account Guide

College IT Account

Your Lambeth College username and password give you access to the following IT facilities and resources.

  • Login Account
  • Moodle
  • BKSB
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • ProPortal - Timetable and Attendance
  • Library and LRC IT Facilities and Resources
  • Printing
  • Wi-Fi

Note: please remember to keep your password secure, and do not share it with anyone.

Login Account 

Once you have completed your enrolment, your will be issued with your Lambeth College ID number and default password. You can change that default password when you access your accounts.

See the quick guide on how to reset your password.

Note: if you encounter problems login to account, please come to our IT Support and Library Helpdesk in the LRC.

Moodle - Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

You will find all your course handbook and information on Moodle. Tutors will post notes, videos and resources and links to lecture and classes which are held in Microsoft Teams. See the quick guide on how you can login to Moodle using your college ID-Number and password.


If you have forgotten your BKSB password, please come to the LRC and we can reset your BKSB password so that you can login to BKSB using the default password and change the default password to a new password. See the quick guide on how you can login to BKSB using your college ID-Number and the default password.

Microsoft Office 365

Download Microsoft Office 365 to your personal computer and mobile devices. Access fully licenced Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint to use while you are a student. See the quick guide on how you can login to Microsoft Office 365 using your college email address and password.

Microsoft Teams

Connect with your Tutors and your classmates via Teams. All online lectures and classes will take place on Teams and you can use it for group work and discussions. See the quick guide on how you can login to Microsoft Teams using your college email address and password.

Microsoft Outlook

All Lambeth College correspondence should go through your College email account. Make sure to check it regularly for important updates from tutors and support staff as well as other College's news and information. See the quick guide on how you can login to Microsoft Outlook using your college email address and password.

Microsoft OneDrive

You can save your files and personal data ion OneDrive and access your files from anywhere across your desktop, laptop and mobile devices. See the quick guide on how you can login to OneDrive using your college email address and password.


You can see your timetable, smart targets, grades and attendance on ProPortal when and where your lectures and classes are taking place. If something is missing or incorrect on your timetable, please speak to your teacher. To see your timetable, smart targets, grades and attendance, please click ProPortal and login using your college email address and password.

Library Account

Your College ID card enables you to borrow hard copy books, online eBooks and e-Resources from our libraries. you can borrow 6 items for 3 weeks and the loan will be renewed authomatically if the items you have borrowed are not needed by other students. If one of the items on loan has been recalled, you must return on the due date. For auto renewal and request to return the items borrowed, please check your college email regularly


Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) are available throughout the College. These allow you to print, scan or photocopy. There is a charge for printing and photocopying if you run out of your free Print credit. If you forgot your ID card, you can still print your work by login using ID Number and password on the printers. See the quick guide on how you can print and the printing cost.


Wi-Fi is available through out the College. To connect to the College Wi-Fi, please use your college email address and password. See the quick guide on how you can connect to the College Wi-Fi.