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Harvard Referencing: Home

Introduction to Harvard

Most students who study at LSBU will be required to use the Standard Harvard style of referencing in their work. However, all students should check with their lecturers which style is required of them before starting to write assignments.

You can use the Quick Guide, Cite Them Right and RefWorks to support your referencing, or find the type of resource you wish to reference on the drop down menu of Sources above. If you have a referencing question, please email the team through MyAccount.

Cite Them Right

Cite Them Right provides referencing guidance with model examples to help you confidently acknowledge the work of others.

The Cite Them Right How-to-guide will help you get started.








Refworks is the referencing management software that LSBU subscribes to.

Use your LSBU email address β€‹β€‹β€‹to sign up for a Refworks account here

The Refworks How-To guide includes help guides and videos on how to use all the features.