It is important that you don't just search for a whole sentence or question and instead think carefully about what are your most important keywords
e.g. Discuss methods of achieving success at university
Your keywords would be success AND university
The database will just search for the keywords you enter into the search box, therefore you need to think about all the different ways something might be described
e.g. university may also be described as "higher education" OR college OR "educational institution"
In order to keep two or more words together as a phrase, enclose them in quotation marks
e.g. "higher education" will look for the phrase "higher education" rather than individual words, "higher" and "education".
A number of databases allow you to use the asterisk symbol * to save you time
e.g. manag* will find manage, manages, managed, managing, management etc.
Below are key Journals for keeping up to date with what is going on within Nursing.
Please note that if you are searching for articles for your topic, it is best to use the Journal databases (e.g. CINAHL and Medline).
Subscription up to 2014. Information up to the present day can only be accessed on campus
HSJ requires a username and a password. Please email for the username and password from your LSBU email address.
Full Text Databases generally provide the pdf for articles in your results list. However these databases also contain records of articles published elsewhere. You may be able to access these articles by clicking the 360 Link button, provided we have a subscription to the journal they are in. |
If you would like to find a particular journal article that you have come across on your reading list, etc. you can easily search for this on the Library Catalogue. It is even easier, if you have the reference for this article.
Our reference example above is in Harvard style. However, no matter what referencing style you have in front of you - determining the various components of a reference is a practical skill to possess.
Please see the help guide below for detailed information on finding a journal article or journal.
You do not need a LSBU username and password to access these databases:
A number of our databases are provided by EBSCO, this means you can search them simultaneously.
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If you are unable to access one of our journal articles, e-books, or other online resources, you can contact our e-Resources Team who are able to assist. Please use this form to contact the team including details of the item you are trying to access along with a screenshot of any error message. This will send your details to the e-Resources Team at
Should service issues occur, there is an alternative links page available for a select number of resources.