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Photography: Find Journal Articles

Library Discovery Search

Search includes books, journal articles and e-resources

Photography Journals

Most of the library's journals, magazines, trade publications and newspapers are online.  There are also a few print journal titles on the third floor of the library in the Hub.

Search Discovery or the Subject Databases for many more journals and articles.

British Journal of Photography

The British Journal of Photography

Access is via registration – all photography students have been given access to this platform. You will need to activate your registration via the email you have been sent previously and then set up your password (this should be different from your LSBU password).

Students with queries about access should email Electronic Resources.

The South Bank Review

Finding Journal Articles

Databases for Photography

Most of the articles are full text, please note that some databases include links to full text articles (through the Access Link button). This may redirect to a new page.


An abstract is a concise summary of the contents of an article. It is written using keywords (search terms) so that other researchers can easily find it through database searching. Please note that we may not have a subscription to the full text of the article. If you are final year student or postgraduate, you can apply for an inter-library loan.

These databases are available without a subscription and you can continue to use them after you graduate.