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Mini-Module: How to Use Academic Vocabulary

Conclusion and Links Page 11 of 11

At the end of this mini-module, the key concepts to keep in mind regarding academic vocabulary are:

  • Clarity: keep the reader in mind and do what you can to get your message across. 
  • Using the right words: choose the appropriate technical vocabulary, but show the reader that you understand them.

If you want to find out more and improve your knowledge of academic vocabulary, the following websites are highly recommended. 


RMIT University Academic Word List Tool

This has 10 lists amounting to 570 useful academic words. Begin with lists 1 and 2. Use the games and quizzes to ensure you understand and can effectively use these words. After that, proceed with the remaining lists. 

Manchester Academic Phrasebank.

This is a great site with lots of examples you can adapt and use yourself.



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