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Mini-module: Interpreting Feedback

The Value of Feedback Page 3 of 11


Apart from gaining knowledge, one of the most important purposes of university is to develop your skills and abilities. That is the purpose of feedback – to help you develop and reach your potential. 

Feedback is not a personal judgement of you, it is expert guidance about how you can improve your skills and abilities. 

Bloom’s Taxonomy

The pyramid of Bloom's Taxonomy shows how people increase their mental abilities from basic to high level. 

At the bottom is the basic ability to remember information. The next step is understanding the information, and after that comes the ability to use that knowledge and understanding. 

The next three stages are connected to critical thinking. You need to be able to analyse something before you can evaluate it (decide how good it is). The final stage is creation or bringing together information from different sources to think up something new. 

Blooms taxonomy