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Top Tips

3. Writing at Masters Level

Decorative image of Writing at Masters Level

Want to get better at writing at Masters level? Here are some essential tips:

- Read critically. Ask questions, be sceptical. Imagine your reader is doing the same with your writing.

- When you read, learn how other writers do it, that is, notice how authors:

  • analyse, 
  • evaluate, 
  • build arguments, 
  • synthesise (i.e. bring together ideas to make new ones),
  • review literature.

- Be aware that your purpose for writing is to argue and persuade more than to report or describe. This means you have to have your own interpretation and argue for it using summaries and paraphrases of the work of others.

Masters level writing has higher word counts so that this can be done properly.

- Read your own writing with a critical eye.

- Get feedback.

For much more on this topic, go to our Writing at Masters Level page.