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Mini-module: Quick Guide to Writing Parapraphs

2. The Parts of a ParagraphPage 2 or 7





Academic paragraphs often have the same general structure:

  1. Topic Sentence
  2. Supporting Evidence
  3. Conclusion and Link to next paragraph

The three main parts of a paragraph



1. Below, there is a paragraph, but the parts are mixed up. Put them in the right order. by identifying what part each of them is.


Smith (2018) found that 64% of enquiries to doctors' surgeries were referred to the NHS Online website rather than being given an appointment. When patients do go to a surgery, they are usually seen by practice nurses rather than the GP (Brown, 2015).


General Practice doctors are often too busy to see patients in person.


This difficulty in gaining access to GPs has had a number of consequences.


2. What is missing from this paragraph?

"Tanaka (1998) said that constructive feedback is very important for students. Brown (2003) found that students reached their learning goals more quickly when teachers gave more feedback.  Smith and Jones (2006) did a case study on a student and found that she felt happy when she got more feedback so it is good for wellbeing as well. Many authors agree that feedback is essential for effective learning, which has some important consequences for the teaching profession."