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Library Blog: General

Earth Day 2023

by Leah W on 2023-04-20T12:26:00+01:00 | 0 Comments


Earth Day is an annual international event to promote sustainability and support for environmental protection. This year we thought we would highlight five ways the library is being sustainable. 





1. Libraries are sustainable models

The library is full of reusable resources, with books being borrowed and shared all the time. Rather than students all buying the same book they can each borrow the same copy, and return it for someone else to use. This lowers consumption and reduces your carbon footprint - as well as saving money! And we don't just lend out books, we also lend laptops and mobile phone chargers. And don't forget about our huge e-book collection! 

Check out our collection here

2. The new LSBU Hub building

Did you know the LSBU Hub building won an award for sustainability? The library is on level 2 and 3 of the new LSBU Hub building which was completely repurposed rather than rebuilt. This saved on embodied carbon in the existing concrete structure - as much as 65%! You can read more about the Architect's Journal Retrofit Award here.

The new library has large windows which let in plenty of natural light which reduces our energy consumption. During the renovation we also installed 2 student kitchens complete with microwaves and kettles - this will help students reduce their use of single use cups and food packaging. 

3. Small actions add up!

It's the little things that can really make a difference towards our sustainability goals. Here are a few small actions the library is doing to help!

  • Any withdrawn books from our collection are resold, so nothing is ever simply thrown away - that's zero landfill!
  • Cloud migration can save electricity use - all students receive 1TB of free cloud storage with their student OneDrive account. 
  • Throughout the library we use 100% recycled paper for our printers.

4. Reducing travel for our students

Travel can have a big impact on your carbon footprint. Here are some of the ways we're reducing the travel needs for our students:

  • Our Information Skills Librarians, Digital Skills and Skills for Learning teams all offer virtual 1-1 appointments and workshops for help with searching for resources, using databases, referencing; using core software and key platforms such as Office 365, Moodle and Teams; and support with academic writing and maths and statistics.
  • For students eligible to use our books by post service, you can also return your books by post for free - no need to travel in with heavy book bags!
  • We participate in the SCONUL scheme so LSBU students can use other university libraries and other university students can use our libraries, potentially reducing travel if they are nearer to them and more convenient to travel to.

5. Educating and informing our students and staff

Libraries are here to provide information. We have lots of books about sustainability in the collection - why not check out our display shelf? It's located on level 2 of LSBU Hub library in zone N. Here is a selection of some of the books that are on display. 



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