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LSBU Library Valentine's Event: Make up or Break up with your Library 2022

by Dewi G on 2022-03-10T09:17:00+00:00 | 0 Comments

We ran a Valentine's feedback event across our libraries from 10th - 14th February 2022 where LSBU library users could drop us a short love note or break up message letting us know what you love about us or what is making you want to break up with us!

Library users could also make suggestions about how we can ‘Make up’ where we fell short of their expectations.

Valentine's event displays from Croydon, Perry and Havering Campus libraries


We set up physical feedback walls with beautiful heart-shaped cards for people to write their messages on. The messages could be pinned up on the wall or secretly posted in our handcrafted post boxes.  

This event was also promoted on our social media channels with a digital feedback location for people to participate who were not able to visit our libraries during the event.

55 people responded by writing their messages at our display areas.

Red and pink paper hearts with written feedback visible piled up on each other.


We recorded all your wonderful messages and notes and organised them by topics "Comment Type" Positive/Compliments, Requests/Suggestions, Unhappy or just Token of Love notes for each other.

Feeling of feedback bar chart. General Love Notes 17, Unhappy 1, Requests and Suggestions 20, Positive or compliments  17.


We also considered each response by a sub-topic. The most mentioned topics were:

  1. Customer Service: This is the service our users received on our helpdesks, phone, email or live chat. 56% of you said you loved our services. Some of the comments were heart-warming!

  1. Services: This means any general service within our libraries, such as access to computers and general access to things within our libraries.

  1. Building Facilities: This generally means physical spaces or facilities within the library buildings.

  1. Library: Experience of general library use and atmosphere

We couldn’t wait to share some of the compliments we received:

“Roses are red, violets are blue our students are great, We thank you!”

“I love how friendly the staff is. XO”

“You guys are fascinating, love you more!!”

“I Love Perry Library but stop complaining about borrowing computers.”

“You guys are the best, thanks a lot!”

“Perry library is the BEST”

“Appreciating facilities”

“Fantastic staff, really helpful”

“The staff: they have really been lovely and Kind to me. Thank you.”

“Staff are very approachable and supportive”

“Likes: It's quiet, resources and help is at hand.  Staff are friendly, keeps me motivated to work - no distractions”

“Fantastic work team you have got here”

Positive feedback topics bar chart. Library 2, Building Facilities 2, Services 4, Customer Service 10.

You said a lot of good things about our libraries, but more importantly, you also made some valuable requests and suggestions that we need to address and work on.

48% of the requests and suggestions you made, related to our building facilities – for example, more food and drink facilities. Followed by 37% of general services, such as to borrowing laptop for longer, making “K aKao Talk Messenger App available on Eduroam Wi-Fi. You mentioned the temperature of the building being too cold at times.

We really valued all your feedback.

Here are some of your suggestions:

“Let us borrow laptop for a year or months. not everyone are in a position to have it”

“Soap in the toilets might be an idea during a global pandemic”

“Can we have vending machines and coffee machines? Mwah”

“Open the cafe longer and hot water or kettle is needed”

“Please "KaKao Talk: Messenger" available in eduroam Please!”

“Can we get a hot water dispenser”

“We need student kitchen in the library”

“Please turn heating on at night”

“Silent study areas aren’t always quiet”

“The group study areas aren't very inviting sadly, such a good idea but needs more £££ invested xoxo”

“Just perhaps daily checks on computers printing (had printing issues)”

“Too cold in building.  Please turn the heating on”

“Need more tours of the campus.  Everything has changed since we started”

Request Topics bar chart Customer Service 1, Temperature 1, Library 1, Services 7, Building Facilities 10.

We are committed to listening to your voice and continuously making improvements, so thank you very much for engaging with us sharing your compliments, suggestions, and requests together with your love.

Special thank you to our secret admirer who left us a single red rose on our message wall desk at the Perry Library – this made us smile J !

Last but by no means least, we had one general note of unhappiness, if you are not happy with something we are doing, please get in touch with us tell us if there is anything we do to make your time at LSBU happier. You can do this by raising an enquiry through MyAccount and selecting the topic Library and Student IT.

We really appreciate and value your feedback. Be sure that we will consider all your input and do our best to address feedback best as we possibly can so watch this space!

Don’t forget you can continue to comment on our feedback walls located in each library or online on our digital feedback wall.

We love to hear your views and feedback as this helps us to understand how we can improve our services and facilities.

All your feedback is shared monthly with the library senior management team who go on to discuss ways in which we can implement your suggestions and find new ways we can provide a better service for you.

We want you to succeed in your education and we are dedicated to supporting your learning and providing an environment where you thrive.



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