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Mini-module: Time Management

4. Making the most of your timePage 4 of 7



Know yourself: what you’re good at and what you struggle with, what times of day you work best, whether you procrastinate or are easily distracted. If you do that, you can become your own manager and take control of your time.

It feels good to be on top of things, so here are some tips and tricks to help you succeed at time management.

Tips and tricks for making the best use of the time you have.


  • Break your study sessions into shorter intervals and use a timer to keep yourself on track.
  • Find a quiet place to study and eliminate any potential distractions, such as turning off your phone or closing social media tabs.
  • Take short breaks to refresh your mind and prevent burnout (Pomodoro technique)
  • If possible, delegate some of your tasks to others to save time.
  • Review your schedule regularly, reflect on what worked and what didn't and make adjustments accordingly.
  • Try to form regular habits, for example regular times for study, meals, socialising, sleep, exercise and so on. This means that you can plan more easily, and if you have a routine it is much less likely that you will be tempted to procrastinate.
  • Choose times that suit you best. If you are an early bird, plan study times in the morning, or if you are a night owl, try to make time in the evening or night.



Fill the gaps in this text by choosing the right word in the drop-down lists. 

To make the most of your time, try to get into good ___A___ . Schedule your study periods at the time of day when you are most ___B___ . Set up a study ___C___ that ___D___ you and is always ___E___ for study sessions, and ___F___ your time so that you have frequent short breaks to ___G___ burnout.