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Mini-module: Time Management

7. Conclusion and next stepsPage 7 of 7

Taking control of your Time Management brings great benefits. You will be ahead of time instead of always having to catch up, and you'll have more time for leisure.

Being in control is one of the main differences between school and university. This means you need to take responsibility for being organised and thinking ahead.

Three main thoughts to keep in mind are:

  • It is important to learn how to prioritise because you can't do everything, and some things are better uses of your time than others. 
  • It is important to set achievable study goals and to know some techniques for doing this.
  • Be organised and plan ahead


Here is an app to help you use your time more productively:

Cold Turkey: A dose of discipline to block distractions

Have a look at these resources for more tips and tricks about time management for students:


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