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Mini-module: Time Management

5. Exam revisionPage 5 of 7




There is a lot that can be said about this topic (links are given below if you want to see more detail about exam revision, avoiding stress and how to prepare for an exam).

Here, there is only space to give some essential tips and advice about effective revising.


Essential tips for exam revision:



  • There’s no set amount of time you should spend on revision (but don’t start too early, or too late).
  • Be selective in the topics you revise (you can’t revise everything).
  • Work out how much time you have, leaving some time free immediately before the exams to practise.
  • Plan two revision sessions each day (morning, afternoon/evening).
  • Divide the sessions you have by the number of topics, and allocate topics to sessions.
  • Don’t do long revision sessions lasting many hours. Break up the time into smaller chunks, for example 30 minutes, and take a break. If you stop a revision period before you get tired or bored you train your brain not to associate revision with negative feelings. You may find that you are actually keen to get back to revising and that means it is easier to stay motivated and to keep your brain fresh.



Links to resources on our site: