(You can treat any newspaper article found on an LSBU database as a print newspaper article)
The format is similar to that of a journal article but includes the specific date the article was published and no volume or issue number. Include details of the section of the paper if relevant.
Author’s Surname, Initials. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of article [details of section or supplement if relevant],
Title of Newspaper, page number(s).
Tobin, L. (2018, June 8). The crush starts here [Education Supplement]. The Guardian, p. 1. 8
Format for newspaper article with no author:
Title of article. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of Newspaper, page number(s).
Higher education in the EU. (2016, July 14). The Guardian, p. 8.
Author’s Surname, Initials. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. URL
Murphy, K. (2020, Jan 25). It’s time to tune in: Why listening is the real key to communication. The Guardian.