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An introductory user guide for Lexis+

Search Term Maps

When conducting a search in Lexis+, the platform will assign each of your search terms a colour coding which will allow you to see where in a document each of the terms appears.

The bar displayed within each result listed shows where the instances of each term appear in the document, allowing you to focus in on the part of the document that is most relevant to you.

To help establish where you might want to start, Lexis+ highlights the most relevant section with a blue star.

Clicking on each section in the map will display a brief snippet of the text which will allow you to judge the relevance of the result before you view the full text of the document.

Figure 1: Screenshot of search results, highlighting the colour coding of search terms and mapping instances of them in each document

Screenshot of search results, highlighting the colour coding of search terms and mapping instances of them in each document