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Alerts and Folders

Create an Alert

'Alerts' allow you to create a daily or weekly automated update containing summaries of latest additions to Lexis on a chosen topic of interest. Click on the 'Alerts' option on the menu bar at the top of the homepage and follow the instructions (Figure 1) to create an email and online notification or generate an RSS feed which you can use to ensure you are notified of any new material that is added to the platform.

Figure 1: Screenshot of Alerts page in Lexis+

Screenshot of Alerts page in Lexis+

Create Folders

Clicking on 'Folders' in the top menu bar allows you to organise your research into separate folders. You can create numerous folders and organise them by date modified etc. (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Screenshot of 'My Folders' page with three folders displayed, organised by date last modified.

Screenshot of 'My Folders' page with three folders displayed, organised by date last modified.

Once you have created a folder, you will be able to save results into a folder of your choice. From the results list, click the folder icon to save the entire results list to your folder or, alternatively, you can select individual documents from the results list and save them into a folder instead. Selecting multiple results will mean all of those selected are saved to the folder (Figure 3).

Once you have items saved into a folder, you can move or copy them into a different folder as you require. You can also search within a folder and add notes to individual items within a folder.

Finally, you can also create a shareable link to a folder and select either an 'Editor' or 'Viewer' role for the person you have shared the folder with. The differing permissions applied to those with the 'Owner', 'Editor' or 'Viewer' roles can be viewed here.

Figure 3: Screenshot of results list with 'save selected' documents folder option displayed.

Screenshot of results page with 'save selected documents to' option displayed.