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LSCS Staff Guide to Reading Lists Online


Staff guide to Reading Lists Online

Request Digitisation

You can request digitisation of book chapters, journal articles and other documents via your reading list. The Library will create the scan (pdf) and attach it to your list. The scan can be viewed by the entire student cohort simultaneously. 

Scanned pdfs should remain on the reading list and not be uploaded to individual Moodle pages. This is for copyright reasons. If you have questions, please refer to VLE Dos and Don'ts on our copyright guide or send an email to 


What can be scanned?

Under the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency, we are usually allowed to digitise for a given module one article from any individual journal, one chapter from any individual book, or up to 10% of the whole book (whichever is greater). 

Resources that are digitised will be reported to the Copyright Licensing Agency via Reading Lists Online. 

You can request a digitisation at any time.  


To request digitisation:

Log in to your reading list and go to the item you would like scanned. Click the item title to open the full record. Scroll down to find the Digitisation request option and fill in the details of the request.