Open Access enables your research outputs to be read, downloaded and mined for text and data for free. LSBU Research & Innovation Portal is LSBU's Open Access repository. This is a full text repository, meaning that every record has a text attached. All outputs on the repository are easily and freely accessible to the global public.
LSBU's Open Access Policy requires LSBU academics to upload the accepted manuscript of any research publication within three months of the acceptance date into the repository. All your research needs can now be addressed in one place: Pure. This is where you can create a record, and upload your research to be displayed on the repository.
Easy access on our public facing repository, LSBU Research & Innovation Portal, which is indexed by search engines and is free to access for anyone, allows people from all backgrounds to benefit from good research conducted in our institution.
Recent research found that there was a 15% increase in readership of a journal copy of a paper when deposited in an Open Access repository. Researchers from all over the world can have full access to your work without journal subscriptions. This helps LSBU to maximise its real world impact.
Openness about the processes ensures clarity and trust in the research. For example, your data can be shared on our repository.
Uploading your work to an institutional repository in a timely manner ensures compliance with the REF Policy.
You can now add your new publications and other research outputs to Pure, LSBU’s new research and innovation platform, rather than Haplo. The library’s Open Access team will check the record for you, ensuring you have uploaded the correct version and that you have included all the information needed.
Please do not deposit any publications into Haplo. The Open Access team is working to move the existing outputs from Haplo to Pure so you do not need to worry about adding them.
You must add the final accepted author manuscript within three months of acceptance for publication. Please do not upload the published PDF unless you have confirmation that the output is in an Open Access journal.
LSBU Research & Innovation Portal is a full text repository, so records will need to have a manuscript deposited to be made available.
We cannot accept proofs of published versions of your research for copyright reasons.
ResearchGate and are not REF compliant so registering your research there won't comply with REF or LSBU policy.
The onus is on the author to ensure that their paper is correctly uploaded to the repository - do it as soon as you can to avoid your paper being non-compliant.
The Open Access team is on hand to support you in uploading your research publications to the new repository platform. For full detailed instructions on how to add your work in Pure, see our How-to Guide.
If you need any assistance with uploading your work, book onto one of our training sessions or email
Most outputs are made Open Access via the Green route, which involves the author sharing the accepted version of the paper on a repository. This is free to do, but it may require an embargo period set by the publisher.
Publications can also be made Open Access through the Gold route:
This sometimes incurs a cost (an Article Processing Charge) to the author or institution
The published version is made freely available to the public for no cost, immediately upon publication
It usually has a CC BY licence, meaning there’s no restriction on its reuse
LSBU has a small Open Access Fund which can be used to pay for pure Gold journals - see below for more information, and how to apply.
You may need to check that you are choosing a journal that conforms to the particular criteria specific to your funder. For example, you may have agreed to publish your work with no embargo, meaning that you will either have to choose a journal that is pure Gold Open Access, or a publisher that allows Green Open Access with no embargo.
You can check this by using Sherpa - search for the journal of your choosing, add LSBU as your institution, and it will tell you whether there is an agreement in place. You can also check whether your choice of journal is compliant with Plan S by using the Journal Checker Tool . If you’re still unsure, please email
The charge must be mandatory, and not an optional one
The Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY) must be applied, and no other
The maximum cost of the APC is £2,500 for a journal article, £3000 for a chapter and £5,000 for a book
Only APCs are funded – not submission fees, page or colour charges, conference fees etc.
Research must be original, and not reported elsewhere, i.e. not a review or a protocol
You must be a current staff member employed by LSBU (not a visiting, honorary or emeritus researcher), or a current registered student
The journal/publisher must meet minimum quality threshold - use Think, Check, Submit if you are unsure
Please remember that permission for payment of OA fees has to be sought in advance of submission, and will not be paid retrospectively. For further information, please email
Unfortunately the Open Access Fund is suspended until further notice. We recommend checking our Read and Publish journals to find a suitable publication venue to publish your work open access. If you have any questions please email
Our Journal Guide gives you peace of mind when selecting journals, so you don’t have to worry about article processing charges (APCs) or non-compliance with your funder’s policies. You can look up your favourite journals or search and filter to get to a selection of journals that match your research. Select a funder to see whether the journals are compliant or not, and check the filter ‘Journals with Agreements’ to limit the list to journals where the APCs are fully or partially waived.
LSBU has agreements with several publishers, which allow LSBU academics to publish their work Gold Open Access for "free" in any of the hybrid (subscription) journals that are included within the agreements, as the cost has already been absorbed by the Library. All corresponding authors from LSBU can publish in these journals at no extra cost.
To qualify for the deals:
Please note that the journals in these agreements are subject to change, so you will need to check these each time you submit in case the journal is no longer included.
LSBU has amended its Open Access policy from 1 July 2023 to strengthen your rights as authors to reuse your work and share it widely immediately on publication. It makes use of a Rights Retention Strategy which prevents publishers restricting your rights. At least sixteen other UK universities have already taken this approach. Library staff have already contacted publishers, and you just need to insert a sentence or two into your manuscripts at submission. Sessions were run in June - slides available here.
RRS is a way for authors to retain useful rights and not just hand them over to publishers, to help them remain compliant with funder and institutional requirements while respecting academics’ freedom of choice in the venue of publication. It is a major component of Plan S from the major coalition of research funders including UKRI and helps advance immediate open access to research findings.
Institutions serve “prior notice” on publishers that a non-exclusive licence exists to share publications by their members. This prior notice trumps any contract or licence terms with a publisher that seeks to restrict or delay access, because it predates them and the publisher was made aware of it. We’ve contacted over 170 publishers giving our prior notice. But we’ll never contact every possible publisher in advance, so authors should insert the form or words below to notify publishers of the existence of LSBU’s licence to share accepted author manuscripts immediately on publication.
At least 16 UK universities are already enacting RRS and many more are soon to do the same, so we are not alone or even pioneering this approach. RRS builds on the Harvard University approach active since 2008. It helps LSBU simplify compliance with any funder requirements without restricting academic’s choice of publication venue.
From 1 July 2023, insert the following in the Funding section of your submission manuscript and covering email if you are in receipt of research funding:
This work was funded by [Funder] [grant number]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising.
If you are unfunded insert the following in the Acknowledgments section of your submission manuscript and covering email:
For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising.
Email if you receive pushback from a publisher, or you are unsure what to do.
Research Data Management is part of good research practice, and helps you to look after your data through the life of a project. Many research funders have requirements around sharing data, so it is vital to make sure you are looking after your data safely and reliably so that it can be shared.
LSBU Open Research can be a long-term home for your data as well as your publications. Data can be made available within a range of access settings, depending on the content of the data. You can add data directly to Pure, if you have any questions please contact
We run training on Research Data Management and on Writing a Data Management Plan, details of these courses will be found here. If there is no training coming up then please get in touch. This video from the UK Data Archive may be a helpful introduction to research data management.