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Library Services

Accessibility Software Appointments

We provide training to help you use Microsoft Office Accessibility tools and become familiar with using ClaroRead, MindView, and Dragon speech recognition software.

These sessions will last one hour.

Register Interest

We will respond in 3 working days to arrange a suitable time for a training session.

Available assistive software

TextHelp Read & Write

Texthelp read and writeTextHelp Read and Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work.

Available via AppsAnywhere.

ClaroRead Plus

ClaroRead logo

 ClaroRead Plus is an easy-to-use literacy support programme with screen reading features.

 Access ClaroRead Plus on all PCs on campus via AppsAnywhere.


Dragon Naturally Speaking

Dragon Naturally Speaking logo

Dragon is a speech-recognition programme that allows you to enter text into programmes such as Microsoft Word by speaking into a microphone attached to the PC.

Dragon is available on the PCs in all the Assistive Technology Rooms (ATR).


MindView Logo

MindView mind mapping software is available for eligible students. You can use MindView to optimise brainstorming sessions and present ideas visually.

To request access please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Support team though MyAccount so they can assess your eligibility.


SuperNova Magnifyer icon  

Supernova Magnifier and Screen reader is available in Assistive Technology Room C on Level 03.


Jaws screenreader logo   Jaws Screen reader is available in Assistive Technology Room D on Level 02.

Discover the built in Accessibility features in Microsoft Word

Word Icon

Dictate - Speech to text

Narrator - Immersive reader

And lots more

Microsoft Accessibility Guide

Alter Accessibility Options on your Windows PCWindows Logo

Find the Ease of Access Centre in Settings Settings cog icon in Windows 10.

This has all the tools you need to magnify all or part of the screen, try different colour filters or high-contrast schemes and use Windows Narrator to have things read out to you. 

Visit this useful YouTube playlist for information on some of these tools.

Free accessibility tools for youComputer screen with cog and key inside it

There are a number of external free apps, add-ons and resources online that can help you study and aid your productivity.

*Please note these are just suggestions and are not applications supported by either Student IT Support or IT Services .

Chrome logo

Google has free Chrome add-ons that can help you get organised and view your device how you want it. 

AppleVis logo

Applevis is a community powered website for blind and low vision users of apple products. It offers a range of apps, resources and mechanisms for raising awareness of the accessibility of Apple products and related applications, and for promoting further advancement in accessibility.

My Computer MyWay logo

My Computer My Way offers a variety of ways that you can alter your devices settings to increase their  accessibility and functionality.

Audacity headphones logo

Audacity is free open source software that allows you to record and edit audio files.

Noises Online logo

Use Noises Online to help mask external distractions and concentrate. Choose from a range of different sounds including rainfall, birdsong, cafe chatter as well as pink, brown and white noise generators.

RNIB Supporting people with sight loss logo


The RNIB is a charity that helps support people with sight loss they have an excellent resources and guides to using assistive technology for those with visual impairments.

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People, RNID is a charitable organization working on behalf of the UK's 9 million people who are deaf or have hearing loss. Visit their website for information and online support.


Microsoft Seeing AI Logo

Microsoft Seeing AI is a free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, this research project harnesses the power of AI to describe people, text and objects. logo

9 Useful apps for people who are Deaf or have hearing loss.