Borrowing laptops
- Follow the instructions on the cabinet screen.
- You will need your student ID card.
- Laptop loans are up to 10 hours at a time - return must be at least 15 minutes before the building closes.
- On return, ensure that you plug it into the charging cable in the cabinet locker. Wait for the red light - this shows it has been returned successfully. If you don't plug it in, you could incur a fine.
Please return laptops on time - the fine is £2 per hour if late!
Please note: Laptops are pre-installed with software including Microsoft Office and AppsAnywhere. All laptops are wiped and restored automatically every time they shut down so ensure you save your documents to a Cloud service such as OneDrive, or send a copy to your student e-mail address before you turn the laptop off and return it.
Southwark campus
LSBU Hub Library - Southwark campus
- 96 laptops in 2 self-service cabinets. These are opposite the help desk on level 03.
- Available to borrow during opening hours.
Keyworth Centre - Southwark Campus
- 36 laptops in a self-service cabinet in the Keyworth Centre.
- Available to borrow Monday - Friday 8.00am to 9.00pm.
Havering Campus
- 5 laptops available from the help desk.
Overnight loans - 2 laptops are available for overnight loan and can be taken home. These must be returned by 10am the following day.
Projector - there is also a projector that can be borrowed from the Havering Library help desk. This must be returned 15 minutes before the help desk closes.
Croydon campus
Student Centre - Croydon Campus
- There are 84 laptops in a self-service cabinet in the Student Centre.
- Available to borrow Monday - Saturday 8am to 8pm.