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myLSBU Salesforce Connect

Who Does What?: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Team Info

How to raise a case with us? via Salesforce Mental Health and Wellbeing queue

Staff can refer a student or send an enquiry to the MHWB team using the Salesforce 'New Well

being Referral' form.  If they don't have access to Salesforce then email: studentwellbe

Phone? 020 7815 6454 (via Student Life Centre)
Live Chat? Not directly - Student Life Centre can answer first line questions
Enquiry Hours Mon - Fri 0900 - 1700    Saturday 1000 - 1600
Face to face help available from help desks in Student Life Centre and Croydon Student Centre/Library for first line questions
Appointments offered?

Yes - we offer face to face, phone or MS teams appointments. 

Students can book themselves via My Account or via the SLC helpdesk/live chat

Other student support teams can also book MHWB appts for a student if needed

MHWB have some capacity to offer 'Duty Appointments' when an urgent response is appropriate

Escalation of urgent case/s

Laura Harris (Team Manager)

Luke Howson (Head of Service)

Knowledge Champion (FAQs) Lisa Hellawell
Website of info



Topics Example
Reactive/Responsive Support Students who want to improve their mental health and wellbeing
  Students experiencing mental health distress (eg anxiety, low of fluctuating mood, abnormal perceptions, changes in sleep/appetite)
  Students presenting with suicidal or self-harm thoughts, behaviours, plans or intent
  Coordinating support for students with existing mental health challenges/diagnoses
  Coordinating support for students currently receiving external mental health support eg NHS/statutory services
  Coordinating support for students in hospital (particularly if related to their mental health, either as an informal patient OR when detained under the mental health act)
  Students engaged in the disciplinary process who want support to manage their wellbeing during the process
  Support and Fitness to Study process
  Students who feel unsafe
  Students who are experiencing or have recently experienced any form of sexual violence (including harassment), domestic abuse, hate crime or bullying
  Provide advice, information and signposting to specific wellbeing strategies, self-help resources, and external specialist services
Proactive support Supporting staff to embed mental health and wellbeing content into the curriculum
  Coordinating/providing proactive support in relation to wide-spread student need. This could be at the cohort/course/school/dept/whole student body level
Topic Where it should be referred if known
Emergency situations on campus (including if a student is an immediate risk to themselves/others, or requires urgent support eg is currently having a panic attack) Security - 020 7815 6666, ext 6666 or phone 999 if needed
Enquiry about homelessness Student Life Centre (Student Advice team)
Enquiry about finance Student Life Centre (Student Advice team)
Extenuating circumstances query Student Admin (Student Engagement team)
Enquiry around DDS adjustments (including those for students with mental health conditions) DDS team
Enquiries around marks Academic team for student's course
Estrangement or care experienced students Student Life Centre (Student Advice team)
Interruptions/withdrawals initially appointment via Student Life Centre (Student Advice team)
Student wanting to make a complaint Complaints team
Student behavioural issues/disciplinary incidents Student Disciplinary team 
Staff well being support People and Organisational Development dept, also Employee Assistance Programme