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LSBU Harvard Referencing: Referencing software

Referencing software

Referencing software, tools and apps enable you to:

  • import references directly from onine databases, catalogues and websites
  • organise and manage your references
  • insert in-text citations into Miscrosoft Word as you write your assignment
  • generate reference lists and bibliographies

NOTE! Always check your references!

Referencing software pulls across information from databases.  If the information is missing, your reference will be incomplete, so you must check your references to ensure they adhere to the LSBU Harvard style.


Refworks is the only referencing software LSBU subscribes to, and it is the only one for which the Information Skills Librarians offer training and support.

There are free alternatives you can sign up for yourself, such as Mendely and Zotero.


Refworks is the referencing management software that LSBU subscribes to.

It is the only referencing management software that includes LSBU Harvard as a referencing style.

Use your LSBU emails ​​​to sign up for a Refworks account here

The Refworks How-To guide includes help guides and videos on how to use all the features.

Other Referencing software


Mendeley is a free referencing tool. Your references are stored online and can be accessed from anywhere that has internet connection.

LSBU does not offer formal support for this software, but there is a large, supportive onine community of Mendeley users.

There are help guides for the Desktop and Web versions here

Sign up for a free account here


Zotero is an open source referencing software, and is free to use.

LSBU does not offer formal support for this software, but there is an online forum where you can ask questions and receive support.

There are help guides here

Sign up for a free account here