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LSBU Harvard Referencing: Twitter

Best Practice tips


Creators of social media posts often use their first names, pseudonyms or handles.  If no named author is available use one of these instead.


Social media titles or posts can often be too long to include in a reference.  Write the first few words or sentence and then add ... to indicate that you have omitted part of it.

For further guidance on referencing online sources, see General guidelines for referencing online resources

Format of the reference

You will need:

  • Name of the author(s) or name of the Twitter account
  • Year the tweet was posted
  • Title/content of the tweet
  • Social media platform
  • Day month
  • Web address
  • Date accessed



Author’s surname, Initials. or Name of Twitter account (Year the tweet was posted) Title of tweet [Twitter], Day month. Available from: [Accessed day month year].


Libraries Without Borders US (2021) In 2019, University researchers found that 96% of high school seniors had trouble telling which news sources were legitimate [Twitter], 25 January. Available from: [Accessed 26 January 2021].

In-text citation: (Libraries Without Borders US, 2021)

Twitter reference


LSBU Harvard Referencing Quick Guide